Saturday, January 31, 2015

190115 - 240115 | 260115 - 310115

It is the third and fourth week of January 2015 soon we will enter the second month of 2015. In these two weeks, I have experienced different situations from the first two weeks of my internship. As usual the things that I did in these last two weeks were the same as what I had mentioned in the first blog before like write out the daily plan and work order for both lines, key in those boxes data and the new things that I have learnt is about the data of Eastsun Company like their products' amounts and kind of boxes that they used or got from our place.

But the situation from day to day is different. If the big boss comes to visit the office, there will be a tense situation, but if like normal days, there will be a fun day. Just like what I had encountered or felt during these different situation in the workplace. There is a day between those weeks the big boss came to visit the office while we are chit chatting among us (workers), suddenly I felt the silence from my coworkers then I just realized that the big boss came to visit the production sector in our place (PS: he has 2 productions and offices). It was awkward but as time passed, that day was enjoyable.

And on the other day was the day of my supervisor and manager went to Singapore for doing the annual presentation. My supervisor had left me those works that I daily did. After I filled all those daily plan and work order, I need to get my supervisor's sign as approval and the estimated time for the production makes the products. 

The only person that I know who can sign is Lina, another production planner for Threecast and Dynacast. So I decided to give her and let her sign the documents. After she signed, she suddenly asked about the estimated time which my supervisor did not teach me before so I just said I do not know about that, then she taught me about those but up until now I still cannot count due to the explanation that she gave, is too fast so I cannot catch it up. At the end, I still need to let my supervisor fill in the estimated time for me and his sign of approval of course.

Beside those, in this week was a hectic week due to it is end of month and we need to do the inventory. It is become more hectic because of the mistakes about the amount or the data. As there is a mistake, we need to count and recheck everything from the beginning to ensure that the data that we had keyed in before was the correct one.