Saturday, April 11, 2015

Preparation For Internship & Future Plans

The preparations that I had before join the internship are participate in the workshop that conduct by my campus such as the attitude workshop, interview workshop, looking for the company, search for the company information, and interview in the company after submit my details to them. After that only I got the offer letter from the company and then only I fill in the Internship Program of Own Placement form. As for the expectations or goals, I hope I can do better during my internship and help colleagues well.

And for my future plan, I hope I can communicate well to my colleagues in my real workplace and be more initiative towards my job in the real workplace in the future.

These are my offer letter and the own placement form :)

Reference Letter, Evaluation Form and Thank You Letter :)

 These are my evaluation form, thank you letter and reference letter :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

020315 - 070315 | 090315 - 140315 | 160315 - 200315

Internship ends today on 20th March 2015. In these last three weeks, I had experienced the hectic situation where if there is a guest comes, we will be cleaning the production and store area.
Other than that, all the rest of my weeks are the same and fill it with laughter and jokes between my colleagues and me.
Beside that all the works and activities that I did were the same as before. And yesterday was my evaluation form came back to me.
As for today, to show my gratitude for my colleagues, I treated them some cakes and said thank you plus saying good bye to them all.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

160215 - 210215 | 230215 - 280215

Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!

In the week of 16 February 2015 to 21 February 2015 is a week that can be called as Lunar New Year week whereby on 19th is the first day of Lunar New Year or so called Chinese New Year. In this week, I only worked until 17th due to my holiday started from 18th until  23rd of February. After I got back to work, there are many things that I need to due because all those works had been piled up for few days since I am on leave.

On the the same week after my holiday is a peak week due to the inventory week which fall on the last week of every month. So too many things need to summary, check and re-check everything like the products' balance, the boxes of product that has been used or returned back to us and others. And all things that I did in the inventory week were key in the boxes and balance data of each invoice, recheck all the data that I had been keyed in before. And also keyed in the temperature of each auto line which are Blue Zinc and Bond Lube auto line to the software data.

After recheck and reconfirm of every data, I helped my supervisor when he keyed in and recheck all the products' balance by looking at the numbers or amount that he keyed in whether is it the correct numbers that both of us see. If there is difference, then I will tell him in order for him to do the correction.

And fortunately, all the data that we keyed in and recheck plus reconfirm were correct and matched with the data of the production manager.

Monday, February 16, 2015

020215 - 070215 | 090215 - 140215

February  ! It is the second chapter of 2015 has finally began. In this month will be a month that most of Chinese people are waiting for due to the Lunar New Year fell in the third week of February. Before that, in this month, on the 5th is my first time had my salary because of my effort. And in the same month, I also got my own bonus for the Lunar New Year. Other than that, all the duties that I do basically all are the same as the previous month.

The different is on the speed while I am doing those duties due to the familiarity of the task and also those are the things that I do in the daily basis. Beside that, I also become the reminder for my supervisor in the certain things due to he is afraid to forget those important task that had given by the manager.

On the other hand, the Lunar New Year's holiday is short and based on the national holiday which is fall on 19th and that 19th is the Lunar New Year's one day holiday for us. But for the Chinese coworkers will be given few days of the Lunar New Year's holiday period in which will be came back to work on the last week of February and on that day also the day where we need to do the February's inventory. Well, it will be a busy week when all of us get back to our works.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

190115 - 240115 | 260115 - 310115

It is the third and fourth week of January 2015 soon we will enter the second month of 2015. In these two weeks, I have experienced different situations from the first two weeks of my internship. As usual the things that I did in these last two weeks were the same as what I had mentioned in the first blog before like write out the daily plan and work order for both lines, key in those boxes data and the new things that I have learnt is about the data of Eastsun Company like their products' amounts and kind of boxes that they used or got from our place.

But the situation from day to day is different. If the big boss comes to visit the office, there will be a tense situation, but if like normal days, there will be a fun day. Just like what I had encountered or felt during these different situation in the workplace. There is a day between those weeks the big boss came to visit the office while we are chit chatting among us (workers), suddenly I felt the silence from my coworkers then I just realized that the big boss came to visit the production sector in our place (PS: he has 2 productions and offices). It was awkward but as time passed, that day was enjoyable.

And on the other day was the day of my supervisor and manager went to Singapore for doing the annual presentation. My supervisor had left me those works that I daily did. After I filled all those daily plan and work order, I need to get my supervisor's sign as approval and the estimated time for the production makes the products. 

The only person that I know who can sign is Lina, another production planner for Threecast and Dynacast. So I decided to give her and let her sign the documents. After she signed, she suddenly asked about the estimated time which my supervisor did not teach me before so I just said I do not know about that, then she taught me about those but up until now I still cannot count due to the explanation that she gave, is too fast so I cannot catch it up. At the end, I still need to let my supervisor fill in the estimated time for me and his sign of approval of course.

Beside those, in this week was a hectic week due to it is end of month and we need to do the inventory. It is become more hectic because of the mistakes about the amount or the data. As there is a mistake, we need to count and recheck everything from the beginning to ensure that the data that we had keyed in before was the correct one.

Friday, January 16, 2015

050115 - 100115 | 120115 - 170115

On 5th January 2015, It is the first day of my internship start. I work there as a production planner. As a production planner, I need to plan the production’s activities for the line under mine in order for them to produce the products that the customers need. There are two types of line production under my control which are Bonderising Lube Auto Line and Blue Zinc Auto Line and the main customer is PT. Shimano Batam. 

On that day, the person who supervise me, Sigit , he teach me how to fill in the work order and production daily plan. Before that, he took me to take a look around the production area, store area, and Quality Control (QC) area and introduce me to the person who I will give the work order and production daily plan to. Beside that he also told me about the working hours. Their working hours is 7 working hours which means if you start work at 7 am (Indonesia Time) then you can get off work on 3 pm (Indonesia Time) and if you start at 8 am (Indonesia Time) you can get off at 4 pm (Indonesia Time). The break hours is lunch hour (12 noon till 1 pm ; Indonesia time).

On 6th January 2015, in my second day of work, I was taught about Master Order Status (MOS) and documentation of the packing list. Master Order Status is a program that they have which is about all the product transaction in the way of incoming and outgoing. And by looking that MOS, we can know the amount of products that we have on hand or the one that we deliver to the customers. Beside that on that day I was told to rearrange the outgoing invoice’s copy and key in the inventory of the company products such as RDM310 Inner Plate, RDM360 Inner Plate, RDM310 Inner Link, RDM360 Inner Link, FDTX50 Mounting Plate and FDTX51 Mounting Plate. Other than that, I still do the things that I have been taught in the first day such as make the Work Order and Production Daily Plan.

On the third day of internship, 7th January 2015, I still do the same activity of Work Order, Production Daily Plan and Master Order Status in the repeatedly for the daily basis. In addition, I was taught about the data of Temperature and PH of the production program and how to key those data into the system that they have by the Manager, Septi.

On the fourth day, the daily basis things will still be doing in that way. And added some new things which are Sigit taught me how to key in the data of input issued to production date, receiving finished goods from production and delivery the customers. But up until now, he only let me know those without asking me to do it in the daily basis way. After that, the manager, Septi, she taught me about the boxes that they use and the amount that they use for delivery will be input to the system whereby they need to pay those boxes. Those boxes are GZ, HTBB, BBCG, OB (in which they will be separate according to the date), SBB and CTN.

On the fifth and sixth day, the daily activity still ongoing with the addition that I help my other co-worker to stamp the delivery order. That is about my first week of internship.

On the second week of my internship, all those activities that I had mentioned in the first week blog are all the same such as Work Order, Production Daily Plan, Master Order Status. In the same week I also separate the invoices, helping my co-worker about their delivery order and production daily plan. Beside those, I was taught by Manager about the key in those boxes into SPL and SPM data for incoming and outgoing. On the other hand, I also not really understand about that because I just touch those work a little bit without going any further.

Company's Profile - PT. Metal Batam

PT. Metal Batam is an electro plating company that had collaboration with many big company and they treat them as their customers such as PT. Shimano Batam, PT. Three Cast Indonesia, PT Dynacast, PT. Megah, PT. Eastsun. In this company, as a worker we do not wear the formal uniform, we just wear the casual look for both male and female co-workers.

The company has two 2 factories which placed in the same area just different complex. Beside that, the day of working is from Monday to Saturday and the working hours is from 8am to 4pm for Monday to Friday and as for Saturday is from 8am to 1pm. The lunch hours is from 12nn to 1pm. Beside that this company has their own annual dinner which usually it happens one or two weeks before Lunar New Year celebration and as for the bonuses all the workers can get it based on their respective religion events or celebration.

This company has Finance Department, Human Resources Department and Production Planner. As for the Finance Department is a department that works in the expenses, salaries and etc as long as it is about money. The Human Resource is a department that works in the hiring new employees, training the new employees and others that has the connection about the human resources. Last is the Production Department which works in the production whereby they need to make sure all the products that has came and has been delivered, all are in the good condition.